Knowledge base

Everything you need to know about Colos
Search. How find anything?
We came up the easiest and fastest way to find services. In search field type your query. If you need to exclude results, just put '-' before the word or hashtag you'd like to exclude. Example: 'plumber -expensive #funPlumber -#boredPlumber'
Phone number is used by someone else?
If your phone number is used by someone else, just add this phone number to your profile. All existing offers and profiles with this phone number will be removed immediately
What is a Offer?
When you're ready to accept calls/chats from your clients, just publish your Offer, so people will know they can contact you now. Users will see published Offers in search results. You can publish Offers manually or via schedule
How to create an Offer?
To create an Offer, you can click "Create Offer" button at the menu. Create an Offer and then publish it whenever you need.
How to publish Offers?
Go to "Menu > My Offers" and pick an offer you'd like to publish. Click "Publish" button. Also you can create Publishing Schedule, so it wil be published automatically according to your schedule
What is Publishing Schedule?
Publishing schedules will help you to set up a time period when your Offer will be published automatically. You can define as many schedules as you need
How to advertise your Offers?
When users do search, at the top of search results they will see your advertisement. To advertise your Offers, go to "Menu > My Offers", click "Advertisement" button on needed offer. You can define Advertisement schedule and settings to control when and where your Offers will be advertised
What is public profile?
Your public profile describes who you are and what you do. To update your public profile, go to Menu > Edit profile and click "Edit" button
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